morning has come for another day
the night ended in a very special way
so leave your worries on the blue blue bay.
my life is full of pain
i do not know when i will smile again
but i look forward to tomorrow
a tomorrow with no sorrow.
sometimes i walk out and scream
trying to make this nightmare a dream
i always try to get rid of the past
but every good comes to the worst.
to some i might look desperate
but its unfortunate i can't change fate.
you might fel bothered when i pop in
and my prescence completely choking.
love is a decision not a feeling
and its the choices we make that kill or give healing
the strength to overcome the feeling is love
but the strength to run away is not the above
that is why i decided not to tell God how big
my worries are but tell the problems how big
my God is and of his sustainance to this day.
i wont tell you to love me or not but every
path i have trod leads back to you.
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